Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

When I first read the reviews for this book I was surprised, mainly because the descriptions didn't sound that appealing to me yet everyone seemed to love it.

Now I've finished it and it turns out I love it too. The plot sounds like a cross between a paranormal book and one of those mean girls chicklit type books, but it's not really. Sophie has to go to a special school for paranormals because she can't seem to get a handle on her powers. Her roomate, the only vampire is accused of murder and Sophie isn't sure what's going on.

What really makes it stand out for me are the characters. I loved Sophia and Jenna, there was something about the two of them that was just so compelling. I wanted to learn more about them and enjoyed watching them learn and grow. I really want to learn more about Archer. There is a character that you just know that you want to know more about their story. I'm glad there is another one coming out although I wasn't entirely happy with where the ending of the last book left us, so I hope that changes. It just felt like Sophie was running away from her problems instead of trying to learn how to deal with them. (I understand that her decision is a difficult one, but that doesn't change that it is a form of running away.)